Beauty is human nature, women are also more persistent pursuit of beauty, so popular cosmetics, beauty who has become the trend. Modern women cosmetics consumer are aware of both the depth and quality has been significantly improved. There are a lot of women feel that cosmetic pursuit of beauty is not only to satisfy his own needs, and make yourself happier and more confident.
Some un-safe factor in your cosmestic store:
▪ Shoplifting
▪ Internal Theft
▪ Display Effectiveness
▪ Inventory Accuracy
▪ Serve Effectiveness
▪ Out of stock or over stock
Hybon tag can help retailers:
▪ Secure the store, employee, customer
▪ Prevent store loss
▪ Make Reasonable stock
▪ Give customer efficient service
▪ Increase customer’s confidence
▪ Increase margin
▪ Secure the store, employee, customer
▪ Prevent store loss
▪ Make Reasonable stock
▪ Give customer efficient service
▪ Increase customer’s confidence
▪ Increase margin